Hier fand das Wordcamp Europe 2013 statt. Davon gibt es ebenfalls einige Panoramen.

Hotel Nieuw Minerva

Die Häuser, in denen das Hotel Nieuw Minerva untergebracht ist, sind aus dem 16. Jahrhundert. Es liegt angenehm ruhig mitten im Zentrum von Leiden. Hab mich sehr wohlgefühlt: sehr freundliche Mitarbeiter, gemütliche Atmosphäre.

Stadsgehoorzaal, Aalmarktzaal

The smaller room where the second timeline of the schedule was located. I took this picture while Tammie Lister was talking about „The Life Of A Theme“

Stadsgehoorzaal, Grote Zaal

The large hall was one of the two rooms where speakers from all over the world presented their view of WordPress. The picture was taken before the opening remarks did start.

Stadsgehoorzaal Leiden

The awesome venue, where the first large-scale WordCamp in Europe took place from October 5th 2013